So guys, just what DO you do with breakfast 'leftovers'?? Bacon, black pudding and baked bean muffins of course!!
Running my B&B, I am frequently left with half a pot of unserved baked beans, a slice of toast too many and, perhaps the end bit of the black budding (which I don't serve to customers).
These little blighters are mighty delicious!
1/4 cup self-raising flour
1/4 cup toast crumbs (about 1 slice)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
A good grind of black pepper
1/4 cup of baked beans
1 tablespoon tomato ketchup
1 egg
Some buttermilk, or ordinary milk
1 slice black pudding, finely diced
2 slices streaky bacon, very finely chopt
2 tablespoons oil
Fry the bacon and black pudding in the oil and allow to cool a little.
Mix the flour, breadcrumbs, salt, baking powder and pepper in a bowl.
Put the egg, ketchup and baked beans into a jug, mix up well and add to the bowl.
When the bacon mix is cool enough, stir it all (including the oil) into the other ingredients..
Add enough buttermilk or milk to make it modestly sloppy and pour into muffin cases.
I use the silicone cases now - the muffs pop out so easily afterwards.
Bake in a medium oven (ca. 150C) for 20 mins.
Eat while still warm - well, you won't be able to sit and watch them cool will you?
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